Join Us On Our Journey

We have embarked on an adventure along America’s waterways aboard our Ranger Tug 31CB from the Texas Gulf Coast heading East with the ultimate goal of completing America’s Great Loop.

Captain’s Log

Captain’s Log will share an overview and at times details of our planning and maintenance along with information on our daily journeys, destinations and weather.

Views From

the Porthole

America the Beautiful…from sea to shining sea. Ray Charles sings my favorite version, “now wait a minute, I’m talkin’ about America sweet America…”. Listening to his rendition would not be a bad idea as you read about the amazing coastal waters embellished with the views of cities and towns explored along the way.


Great Loop

The Great Loop is a 6,000 mile continuous waterway starting along the Gulf Intracoastal connecting in Florida with the Atlantic Intracoastal to the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays.  In New York City the loop continues up the Hudson River to the Erie Canal and the different Great Lakes connected by the Canadian Heritage Canals and then southward on the inland rivers of America's heartland. Anyone who is traveling on the loop is known as a Looper, earning their Gold Looper burgee once they complete the journey.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor.”

~ Mark Twain